Wednesday 14 March 2007

Blog Colours

I love them. I know this is really random, but it looks proper neat. :)

Phil x
We've been looking around for a load of ideas for thrillers. After searching for ages without really thinking properly, I realised that IMBD would probably solve our search.

I searched for the top 10 thrillers of all time, and I got a list of the top 50, later follwed by the top 10 worst thrillers. There are plenty of films I have never even heard of on the list, but here is the link to let you all have a look.

(Top 50 top thrillers) just click the link.

there were 3 thrillers I had previously studied in media that I instantly remembered. These were...[note:all are linked.]

- Physcho (1960) Alfred Hitchcock.
- Memento (2000) Christopher Nolan
- Alien (1979) Ridley Scott

These are all classic films. I am yet to watch Memento all the way through, mainly because it seems so confusing, and i don't have it on DVD or Video ( if you've got it let me have a look, yes?) I'll get my head round it soon.
I figured that these might help with our pre-production work seeing as we could take note of interesting camera angels and cuts between scenes. It's all a long process to do especially so close to the deadline. but there is always room for improvement right? (rhetorical question, don't answer that :P)

SO... Here are some small clips on those 3 movies.

Pretty scary ey!! keep an eye on the knife, speical FX were top gun back in 1960.


I personally love this. It's really complicated, but it works so well. I like the mix between fast paced action and cuts and the slow pace of the film. The soundtrack is fantastic. And i like the build up towards the conclusion in the trailer.


This is the original trailer. I actually jumped when i watched this. The lights were off, the rooms is dark, for 1979, thats a bloody scary trailor. I like the handheld camera in it, along with the mise-en-scene. Also the 20 seconds of fast paced cuts at the end really it amazing. I love it. I wish i was Ridley Scott.

I've realised that when filming or thinking carefully about our film, we should really take note and tips from the movies we watch such as the three above. Attention to detail such as the fast cuts to build up tension would work incredibly well. With that in mind i'd like to think that despite my rant of random ideas when we started this, i've thought long and hard about loads of ideas.

- Sound. Minimalistic sound is GOOD! i love it. Philip Glass often writes music for films and he is a minimalistic composer. It really helps to build up tension especially at the start of a film.
- Camera Work. thinking about all the different types, i want to try and include as much as possible (without making it too crowded) into our film. it really make a difference.
- Fast paced, accurate cuts. I love these, they work so well if you get them right. I refer back to Alien, just the ending works so well to make the audience watching really grip their seats. In ours we're trying to include some close up camera work, like close ups on broken glasses or a bulletin dropping. Like in Memento. A build up, mostly like flashes of a camera. (but better and more original)
- Mise-en-scene. DONT GO MAD WITH GORE AND BLOOD. I personally think this ruins a film, unless you are James Wan or Darren Lynn Bousman (directors of the SAW trilogy) Just keep to the simple things. You might aswell call me Mr. Minimalistic.

Anyway i hope you enjoyed that. I've worked pretty hard to do that all, and my computer crashed so i had to do it all again. The first one would have been better i recon

Phil x

Tuesday 13 March 2007

Brief Update

Theres not much to say as of yet, but tonight and tomorrow we are all going to be searching youtube for some clips of thrillers and other movies we're interested in. We'll try as hard as possible to get some decent blogs up. Jakes and James' is pretty damn decent so we'll be up to date very soon.

Phil + Lee.

Cat is upstairs working.

Wednesday 7 March 2007


okay we've been pretty bad with all the updates on this, so we're sorry. We've got all our cast and locations and stuff sorted, and we're filming this tuesday

we're going to filming at pinewood studios and we're flying out to hollywood within the week. Cast includes Matt Damon, Kirsten Dunst, Bruce Willis and Martin Scorese (sorry if thats spelt wrong) And Steven Speilburg will be there too helping us with our directing.

We know its only an opening but we might make this into a full length film.

No seriously now, we've sorted it all out and we're ready to shoot. Tuesday will be the day we're filming the first part, and we'll have only a small part left to film. Editing wont take too long if we really crack down at it.


We have to dash, we're busy people at the moment with all this work, and Bruce Willis has just rang us to finalise some contracts :P


Wednesday 28 February 2007


So we've got the film title, and casting, and costume, and locations ALL DONE!! sorry about not keeping up to date with the blog. The myspace didn't work either, or it hasn't been done yet. We want to put the finished movie on youtube so we'll have links and other things like that up.

Essays and all the plot are practically done, so not long now. WOO!

Phil Cat & Lee.

We rule over you.

Tuesday 20 February 2007


hey everyone
we finally have a plot idea after many weeks of stressing out!!
our film starts off with a man on a bench covered in blood, its followed by a series of flashbacks which will hopefully lead the audience to believe that the man on the bench is a killer. thats the general idea thingymabobby so if anyone has any useful suggestions then please feel free to express yourself!!

thanks 4 taking the time to read our amazing blog

woop again

we are screwed for the deadline (hint to teachers: make it longer MUCH longer)

all the best CAT and LEE
(phil was absent today)

Wednesday 7 February 2007


posted two of the last one. This one is just telling you that. We're a bit special.